Monday, March 5, 2012

Confessions of a Word Game-Aholic

Today, I resigned from all the games I was playing in Words with Friends and Scramble with friends on my phone. It was becoming an addiction.. or Hi, my name is Robbie and I am a word game-aholic.  Besides my husband letting me know how annoying it is to always see me on my phone playing word games, I was beginning to get annoyed at myself as well.  Wow, I thought, I spend a lot of time playing these games... in bed, when I first wake up, in the middle of the day... it was my new drug of choice.  Having an addictive personality, I have to be careful of these things and while escapism is ok sometimes, I can get addicted to that too!  Good thing that one of my addictions is Caesar salad, at least, it's good for me!  Today, the synchronicity appeared when I began a meditation on the activities I participate in during the day, led by a leader from Deepak Chopra.  I started doing the 21 Day Meditation Challenge, 11 days ago.  There it was... and I smiled as I listened to the meditation about the activities I chose to do and as soon as the meditation ended, I resigned from playing word games with friends and deleted the apps from my phone.  I kept Scrabble for those times I consciously choose to play.  I let my "actual" friends know that I am taking a break... and just resigned from the anonymous players I was playing with... as I know, they will find others easily enough to engage in a game.

What will I do with all the minutes or even hours that I won't be playing games?   ... breathing deeply I hope... and letting my consciousness expand and allow all the love and creativity I can hold, to enter my being.  

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